Here’s Why You Should Add Hazelnuts to Your Grocery Shopping List

When you shop for groceries at home, and you can never go without having any kinds of nuts in your pantry, then you should also consider adding hazelnuts to your list. It can be bought raw or roasted, whole, sliced, or ground. These are commonly consumed as snacks, but those who bake also add them to their recipes. But why should you start eating hazelnuts? Let’s go ahead and find out.

Packed with Nutrients

The hazelnuts you can buy at grocery stores are packed with nutrients, even those you purchase from online stores like nutstop. These nuts have an impressive nutrient profile. They are high in calories and healthy fats. The added nutrients that you can get include protein, carbohydrates, fiber, Vitamin E, thiamin, copper, magnesium, and manganese. Hazelnuts also contain Vitamin B6, phosphorus, folate, zinc, and potassium.

Hazelnuts are Anti-Oxidants

These days, almost everything served on the table contains ingredients that can be bad for health. That is why you must protect your cells against the free radicals that play a role in developing heart diseases and cancer. And hazelnuts can provide significant amounts of antioxidants, mainly phenolic compounds.

Good for the Heart

As mentioned, hazelnuts contain a high concentration of antioxidants that can be good for the heart. Also, it contains healthy fats that can increase the antioxidant potential and lower the blood’s cholesterol levels. The phenolic compounds are the ones responsible for helping decrease blood cholesterol and inflammation.

Decrease Blood Sugar Levels

One of the most common causes of diseases is increased levels of blood sugar. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts can help reduce the blood sugar levels while increasing your body’s insulin sensitivity.

Significantly Lower Cancer Rates

Again, because of the high antioxidant concentration in hazelnuts, plus the vitamins and minerals, it contains, these nuts produce anti-cancer properties. Hazelnuts are believed to have the highest concentration of the antioxidant proanthocyanidins. Research reveals that this antioxidant can help prevent and also treat specific types of cancer.

Now that you know the fantastic benefits of hazelnuts, there is no doubt that you will never forget to add this to your next grocery list. These days, people want to be healthy and to do that, they should start with eating healthily. So instead of snacking on chips and other junk foods, why not start teaching yourself to love hazelnuts instead? They are not only delicious, but they also come with these health benefits.