Which Are The Reliable Brands In The Synthetic Urine Products?

A drug urine test is crucial, and it can make or break someone’s career. If a person is an athlete, he should do a urine drug test to prove that he is not taking any substance to enhance his performance unnaturally. If a person is joining a company for work, he should take a drug test to prove that he is not under the influence of substances and is in the proper frame of mind. Similarly, students taking admission in colleges and universities need to prove their innocence. To almost guarantee that you will pass a urine drug, you have to use synthetic urine to be on the safer side. Sub Solution is the best synthetic urine currently on the market. There are alternatives, but you should also be aware of certain brands that are not effective.

Two Brands That Stand Out –

When it comes to buying a synthetic urine sample, you should always buy from a reliable brand because they have the latest formula and technology to prepare the sample. Such a sample will not be detected in the laboratory as fake, and they will pass most of the tests especially the urine drug test comfortably. The two brands that are repeatable are Sub Solution and Quick Fix. Both the brands have high-quality products, but the difference maker is maintaining the sample at the right temperature.

 Quick Fix comes with a heating pad which is used to maintain the sample at the correct temperature. On the other hand, Sub Solution comes with a heat activator powder which is easier and more efficient in keeping the sample at the correct temperature. That is why Sub Solution is the best synthetic urine at present, and its sales figures are extremely high.

Brands You Should Not Buy –

With the rise in the popularity of synthetic urine, there are so many brands that have come with their synthetic urine product. You should not get lured by the price points they offer. You have a higher chance of failing a drug test not because of the temperature but due to the wrong formulation of the synthetic urine. Some of the brands you should stay away from are UPass, Ultimate Gold, Xstream, Magnum and Synthetix5. Most of the reviews from genuine buyers are disappointing, and there are many cases of failure reported than pass. Some a few bucks more and buy a quality product as it is a matter of your career.

Tips to prevent brain cancer

The number of people getting exposed to the problems of brain cancer is highly increasing in current scenario. Lack of unawareness can be considered to be the main problem. Brain tumor is caused because of the improper or abnormal growth of brain cells. It is to be noted that some kind of tumor will stay in the same place while some tend to start spreading to other parts easily. Obviously when they start spreading, the complications will also get enhanced to a greater extent. This article is written in order to help the people who are initiating effort to prevent brain cancer.


Sleeping adequate amount of time is more important for brain health. This is because when the eyes are shut, the toxic wastes in the brain path will get removed. Especially people who are under the chemotherapy treatment are supposed to sleep well in order to repair the damaged cells and to restore the tissues without any hassles. Thus, people who have the habit of remaining sleepless at night time should get rid of their habit as this will affect their brain health to a greater extent. Having adequate sleep at night time not only supports brain health but it will also support the overall health of the body.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is considered to be one of the main reasons for why many people are affected because of brain cancer. People who have the habit of taking more amount of alcohol regularly should limit their consumption to a greater extent. It is to be noted that the excessive habit of drinking alcohol and smoking will increase the risk of cancer. While considering metastic brain tumor, it will being in other parts of the body and spreads to the brain through the blood stream. Hence people who want to stay out of these risks should get rid of their smoking and drinking habit without any constraint.

Health diet

Even though it sounds to be unrelated, taking healthy diet is more important to stay away from brain cancer. The food which can increase the body immunity level should be added to the daily diet. For example the foods that are rich in antioxidant like spinach, pineapple, broccoli and other vegetables can increase the body immunity level at a rapid rate. Apart from this, one can also consult their dietician to formulate a best diet to stay healthy.